Audit Trails
The Daily Audit Trail

The Daily  Audit Trail records all events related to a specific timebase, thus facilitating compliance with GLP (Good Laboratory Practice). The information is displayed in the Audit Trail on the control panel (refer to The Control Panel  The Audit Trail). The Daily Audit Trail also records the preconditions before the sample run.

When the Chromeleon Server is started, Chromeleon creates an AUDIT directory for the timebase in the server's standard datasource. The server saves the Daily Audit Trail for the timebase to this directory. The name under which the file is saved is the current date. For example, the Audit Trail file for March 5, 2005, is named 20050305.slg. A separate file is created for each day.

In the Browser, the right pane lists the Daily Audit Trails by name, date, and time of the last update. Double-click to open an Audit Trail in a separate window. The information that is displayed corresponds to the information displayed in the Audit Trail section on the control panel. However, please note that the file also includes the preconditions. You can print the open Daily Audit Trail.

Copy, move, rename, and delete Daily Audit Trails in the Browser. The user rights required to perform these actions are defined in the User Manager (CmUser program).


Chromeleon generates a new file for each Daily Audit Trail. Therefore, periodically transfer files that are no longer required to an external storage device.


You can also open a Daily Audit Trail from the panel tabset (refer to Control  The Panel Tabset). Go to the Sequence Control panel and click Daily Audit Trail under System Maintenance.

In addition to the Daily Audit Trail, a  Sample Audit Trail exists for each sample.